Nicci Yin is a designer working across mediums with a critical interest in emerging technologies and in the language and ephemera of the internet. Currently thinking about alternative interfaces and how to practice artistic research in community, otherwise designing for XR/AI at Meta Reality Labs.

🫧 Brewing new ideas and projects; in the meantime, here is some previous work ✨ Site, work, and thinking are in perpetual development🔍 Browse by: research, client, illustration, print
Brooks Run Bra Finder

A responsive browser-based experience for discovering Brooks Run Bras based on best match. I was freelancing under Shore and worked on UX design and testing, visual design, and creative direction of assets.

Surface Tension

A year-long research project uses diverse design approaches to explore how scanning, photogrammetry, and touchscreen interactions mediate our relationship between bodies and interfaces.


    A self-pulished journal started with my cohort during my time at ArtCenter Media Design Practices. This was a way to construct and participate in our own unique critical discourse around design and technology, while having fun. While no longer ongoing, it has a special place in my .
    AI Fictions: Networked Colluding

    A design fiction about ubiquitous sensing throughout the smart city and smart home. We imagined a networked community of AI-agents who secretly control the neighborhood and used prototyping and performative storytelling to demonstrate how data is sensed, passed, and leaked between devices.

    Collaboration with Stephanie Cedeño
    Presented at Ars Electronica

    Animistic Collaborators

    A collection of ideas about how virtual, AI agents could work with people in augmented reality, especially in creative contexts. How might multiple, non-anthropomorphic agents have distinct personalities and expertise and feel embodied?

    I worked on Hypertext Swarm, a swarm of AIs that scan and analyze artwork to help curators make connections and formulate new ideas across contexts.

    Full project research site here.

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    A series of drawings created for the March 2019 issue of the Pacifica Literary Review upon invitation; a collaboration between two friends and Google Drive; a collection of scenes about scales of water.


    Some examples of freelance design work completed between 2016–2020 involving information architecture, UX and visual design.

    Media Design Practices